I watched the speech by Barack Obama last night and all I can say is, we are in trouble. I know it sounded good on the surface with lots of great intentions that will supposedly take us to greater heights but to what. It reeked of socialism, bigger government, environmental whacko extremism and a plan that will bankrupt our future. I did hear one thing that I agreed with Obama 100%. And it wasn't a government plan at all but a call out to parents to be responsible for their children's education. that I will applaud him for. My best friend is a teacher and she is fortunate and only has a couple students who the parents are not very involved, but it is chronic in big cities where education is failing the most.
Obama called for more regulation, more burden on business, higher taxes for those businesses, bigger government, more of the same in health care, when wellness is the best plan. He called for more Ted Kennedy in education which his last plan has been a huge failure. He also called for energy independence which we all know is just more wasted tax payer money on risky speculation which is what has led us into the economic crisis that we face today. Not going after our own resources that we need to bridge the gap to new technologies. He stated that we will recover from this mess but the solutions he provided in his speech has only led us down the path of destruction in the past. He wants us to have faith in government. What have they done in the past to warrant that faith? What has HE done so far to that would indicate we should trust government or his decisions, has anyone looked at the unemployment numbers and the markets since his election? They have tanked. We need to read the REAL message in his speech. If you are not part of the corrupt health care system, or you are not in renewable energy or you are not a pawn in their indoctrination system called education, then you are not part of the recovery. In doing so, Obama has insulted every other American by stating that we are a bunch of greedy corrupt do nothings. When the fact of the matter is his "chosen ones" are the heart of the corruption that has held this country down. Health care is a system in cohorts with the FDA to poison it's citizenry with food that is full of toxins and chemicals that make us sick. Then that illness robs us and all those who bother to avoid these toxins at great cost with huge insurance rates, feeding a corrupt pharmaceutical industry who's only goal is to have every human on the planet caught in their vicious circle of taking drug after drug to fix the symptoms created by the last drug. Obama, it's a simple fix, clean up the food supply and health care will be where it was before the pharma's got control of innocent lives. We need to listen to what Bobby Jindal stated after your speech last night and let the people have their country back and empower them to be prosperous, not rob those who are and give to those who choose not to be because you enable them to be. I and most other Americans don't want or need your smart meters that intrude on us. Americans are not greedy wasteful people, that is a far cry from who we are. We want to be efficient because we want to keep what we have and give it to those WE choose to give it to, not who you want to. It's our money, we worked for it, not you. If I want to be warm in my own home and can afford it, it is my right given to me by the constitution to do so without penalty. I have a medical condition I have to live with for the rest of my life due to a side effect of a drug the drug companies said was safe and now I spend every day cold with a low body temp. The doctors just want to give more drugs to fix the side effects that will do no more for me than give me another side effect. I have found natural cures to this problem that have helped as much as the drugs and is far cheaper and has helped my entire wellness as a result. But the FDA you are in charge of wants to stop that treatment and make it illegal. They want to prosecute anyone who recommends such treatment. Is THAT a health care solution? NO! So for you to say I can't be warm and well is a crime in my view. Again, let us decide. I own a small business and I struggle because the local government passed new laws that put over 60% of us in my industry out of business, I moved that company over 1000 miles to survive. My business helps other businesses to grow, is that what we want from government? To stop business from growing or surviving? If your unspoken plan to destroy capitalism like your hero's such as Ayers and Alinsky would like to see happen, then you have a fight from me, and everyone like me. I am starting over again for a 4th time. This time it wasn't thieves, but the very government which you want to make bigger and ask me to trust. So again, why should I trust government, they were able to do what not even the thieves were able to to in the past. Rob me of my lively hood. Obama, I say YOU are a corrupt, greedy do nothing! Well, you are doing something, you are socializing a free nation of driven people who have the desire and inspiration to be in that top tax bracket you so much want to penalize for working so hard to get there. I am getting to the age where I need every penny I make to be able to retire but your plan will see to it that that retirement will be delayed by years. And I don't need to be able to afford a good accountant to avoid your taxes, I have done my own home work and have educated my accountant in how to do it for me. So to use that "good accountant" excuse to raise our taxes to be fair is another one of your scams just like payroll tax cuts that give employee's a slightly bigger check but gives them a smaller refund at tax time. I am one of those people Barack, and to you I say, get out of my way and let me do what I do best, work hard, prosper and be an inspiration to others in my community and to create good jobs because if allowed to operate under the laws of the constitution of the USA that our founding fathers had such great vision to create, then I can be all that I can be. I am not a greedy man, I share my prosperity when I have been allowed to keep it. I have had to rebuild my life from scratch 3 times and built prosperous businesses that grew from nothing. But I lost them to thieves who a system of entitlement mentality created. Your system that you want to make bigger. And your say it ain't so Joe VP went on the morning talk shows and said that Jindal's call to let the American people do what we do to save this country as a "do nothing plan" then you need to get out of the way of those who actually DO do what this country needs to do to recover. It's on the backs of people like me, not the government because your plan is to crush me because I am in your way! Your plan that you just signed has only .1% slated to go to small businesses and that will only come with strings attached. I am and will never be a puppet for the government, but wait, what is the definition of a small business? Well those business are NOT small they are very large companies doing millions of dollars in business. The businesses that create the MOST jobs are what the government defines as Micro - Enterprises. Those are the TRUE small businesses that are ignored with your plan. I was one of the lost when 9/11 hit and was not able to get a job. Rather than becoming a criminal and stealing to survive, I took my last $50 from my lost retirement savings and started a micro enterprise and even created another job that lasted until the government got involved in regulating the sign industry. There is less than $800 million slated for such businesses. Your plan will take away the unemployment benefits needed to prime the pump of micro enterprise that will kick start this economy. That is not a job plan, the money you slated for small business is a reward to the unions that elected you...
Maybe we should all as a free nation take a week off to show the country that us "do nothings" ARE the engine that drives this nation, NOT GOVERNMENT!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
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